I'm sure the paint on this 1970's trashed aisle board was NOT lead based or any other toxic substance, so of COURSE I proceeded to redo my board with little to no attention to my health. You'll notice that I removed the little shelves attached with staples with my kitchen flatware. DO NOT TELL MY HUSBAND. He is very protective of our knives and forks.
So first thing first--get the old label shelves off the damn board. Done and done. Because the label shelves were a bit discolored, I filled my sink with some water and bleach and soaked those sons of guns. Next, I lightly sanded the whole board down to make sure that the old paint would not keep the new paint from sticking. As for the painting--I'll be honest--I used some old latex interior paint I had sitting in the garage and gave it a heavy two coats--take that, LEAD!
Next, I used some index cards, which it turns out are the PERFECT height for my craft board shelves. I marked with a pencil where to put them, and used some rubber cement to tack 'em down. On a side note, you will soon realize how addicted to rubber cement I am. It is my go-to gluer. I would like to think that I have diversified tastes, but rest assured, that never applies to my adhesives.
You'll note that the center aisle number display was a bit raised off of the sign. I painted it and rubber cemented a piece of black construction paper over it to hide any residue of the sleek former aisle number. May it rest in peace.
Finally, I chopped up one of the extra backside label shelves and added a center "craft board display topic" space. Brilliant, I know.
I've hung the "craft board organizer" in my craft room and I'll post a picture of it once I get home. I think this will help me organize my present and future endeavors, or, if all else fails, help me keep track of what ideas, people or legal conundrums are close to being pushed off a proverbial "dead to me" cliff. Whatever works.
Exit, pursued by a bear...
You aren't allowed to use the kitchen flatware anymore.