Thursday, February 16, 2012

RISK, anyone?

I've always wanted to have a risk tournament. What is Risk, you ask? I honestly have no idea. I've just heard of full out wrestling matches incited by some land takeover in a friendly game of risk. I think this is the perfect way to offset the love and ridiculous holidays February has to offer.

To give a bit of background, I have always been mildly obsessed with minor holidays. It was my dream and obsession for the greater part of my youth to travel to Punxatawney, PA to see the prognosticator or prognosticators predict the end of winter. It may be no surprise that my awesome husband made that dream come true. As proof:

You may also not be surprised to learn that every valentine's day I pass out valentines to everyone in my office. Last year was awesome robot valentines I bought off etsy. This year, in the spirit of Kansas' 151st birthday, I went with the Wizard of Oz.

I also bake cookies for Kansas day (January 29th for those following), and I even have a cookie cutter in the shape of our great state, conservatives and all.

I have a fantastic Ides of March party/dinner every--you guessed it--Ides of March (March 15), and I serve up a fantastic meal of corned beef and cabbage for whoever will have it in the spirit of celebrating st. patty's early.

My roommate and I used to have an annual Bikini Martini party, and at one point had the best Cocktail Party ever--tails, tales and you know what were entirely welcome. I believe this will mark the second year of our Fool Proof April Fool's Day Party. However, to date, I have not found a way to celebrate leap year. I'm a big fan of numbers and timing and it occurs to me that February 29th, in all of its limited glory, should be celebrated.

So here is my suggestion: Risk is an apparently appalling, terrorizing, and awful game to play. It can take all night. Weeks. And I hear it is entirely responsible for breaking up the former soviet union, and god knows how many marriages. For that reason, as well as others that I will share with you all sometime, my husband will not be playing with me. HOWEVER! I propose a full on, leap-tastic risk tournament to take place on leap day. If it only happens once every 4 years, what's the fear that we'll even remember the hatred we brewed for the occasion? We'll leap over it every year, and then duel it out every leap year. Perhaps all wars should be fought this way.

So there you have it. Please view this as an official invitation to my risk tournament. Once I find out what it is.

Exit, pursued by a bear, Christy.

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