Monday, August 1, 2011


I suppose after college we all have the same trouble adapting from our former transient habits to stability.  After moving from dorm to dorm, apartment to apartment, rental house to high rise, town to city, roommate to roommate, it is quite frankly amazing that we all don't immediately go into therapy to discuss our loss of sanity and the quandary of where my favorite pair of shoes ran off to.  Perhaps we all relish the idea of finally standing still.  (I do not think that anyone who has ever moved in with a significant other has not had the urge to run the eff away at some point , but I digress.  That is a topic for another post.)
I went to KC this weekend to shop with the momster.  Not that Wichita doesn't offer some fine shopping outlets, just isn't quite the same. Perhaps it is because the momster doesn't live in Wichita, but who am I to speculate.   There's just something about being on home base, with family, recognizing every turn lane and road and knowing that you can get away with going 45 on Ward Parkway, albeit on certain stretches.
As I was driving through the Plaza (and forfeiting any hope of ever locating a parking spot within 3 miles of LatteLand and wedding cake cookies), I realized how small and un-diverse Wichita is.  I miss the gays. I miss the random hippies walking through town.  I miss the overland park anti-support tax visitors mingling with the misfits.  I miss the nonconformity.  I suppose the bigger question is why random outside window shoppers equate diversity to my simple mind.  I suppose I just miss the traffic.  I miss the pulse. I miss watching the foot traffic from inside westport coffeehouse.  Bubble tea that is accepted and easily accessible.  Random shops with outstanding objects of creativity.  Ridiculous sculptures that look mysteriously like shuttlecocks.  And every once in a while, I miss having fifteen nightly events, happenings or random acts of art and entertainment to choose from for my personal nightly entertainment.  Perhaps I've never quite accepted stability.  My therapist said I never would :grin:

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